Dieses Produkt schädigt Ihre Gesundheit und macht stark abhängig.Ce produit nuit à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance.Questo prodotto nuoce alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.


Please confirm you're over 18 before entering this site*

*18+ only. This product contains nicotine and is addictive.

For adult nicotine or tobacco consumers only.

Contest rules and regulations

« VELO Tomorrowland Summer Contest 2024 »

Article 1 - Contest and legal basis

These rules set out the terms and conditions of the “Tomorrowland Summer Contest 2024”, organized by VELO, a brand owned by British American Tobacco Switzerland SA, whose registered office is located at Route de France 17, 2926 Boncourt (hereinafter : “BAT”).

Article 2 - Method of participation

  1. Participation in the contest is only possible via the official website section: https://www.velo.com/ch/en/summerfestival/tomorrowland
  2. No participation submitted by mail or by any other means of transmission will be taken into consideration.
  3. Participation is free. There is no obligation to purchase, nor to order products.

Article 3 - Duration of the contest

This contest will be open from the 23.05.2024 to the 26.06.2024 at midnight. Participations registered after the end dates will not be considered. For participation deadline, please see Article 8.

Article 4 - Conditions of participation

  1. This contest is free of charge and reserved for adults (18+) nicotine users residing in Switzerland at the time of participation.
  2. Participation is reserved to adult nicotine consumers registered into our database. Employees of British American Tobacco (hereafter: BAT), BAT Vending and any subsidiary company in Switzerland and in the World, along with their family members, are excluded from the contest.
  3. British American Tobacco Switzerland is entitled to proceed to any verification of the respect of the present article as well as of the entire Rules, in particular to disqualify any participant committing any abuse.
  4. Any doubt or irregularity concerning the identity of the winner may result in his/her exclusion from participation and/or withdrawal of the prize, without any compensation being required in this respect by the participant in question.

Article 5 - Process of the contest

  1. To integrate the draw for an opportunity to win tickets during the VELO Summer Festival Contest 2024, participants shall (cumulative conditions):
    1. Be an adult nicotine consumer residing in Switzerland
    2. Registered or be registered on www.velo.com/ch
    3. Accept (cumulative conditions):
      • The Conditions of Participation of the contest.
      • The General Terms and Conditions of the website www.velo.com/ch
      • To be contacted by email by BAT
    4. Answer one of the following questions:


      • The new cans look fantastic
      • The website is beautiful
      • It can take me to Tomorrowland
      • I love it all; it’s weirdly wonderful
    5. Confirm by clicking on “Enter”
  2. Winners will be chosen at random and BAT will contact the winners by e-mail around the 27.06.2024. The website https://commentpicker.com/random-name-picker.php will be used for the raffles.

Article 6 – Exclusions

We reserve the right to exclude, at our discretion and without compensation, participants from the contests. This is particularly true for participants who manipulate or attempt to manipulate their participation (multiple account creation) or who violate the general or specific terms and conditions of the contest or who, in any way, misuse the proposed contests.

Article 7 - Communication to winners

  1. Winners will be notified personally at the email address they provided for the registration on velo.com
  2. BAT will notify the winners around the 27.06.2024.
  3. The winners agree to be contacted by BAT on WhatsApp for organizational purposes. To do so, the winners agree to communicate their phone number by email to info.ch@velo.com once they have been contacted by email by BAT. The winners also confirm to have the consent of their friend to communicate his/her contact information for organizational purposes.

Article 8 – Prize

  1. The prizes are composed of packages. There is a total of 3 packages to win (the value is worth approximately EUR 6’000 per package.
  2. Each Tomorrowland package includes:

    • Two base tickets to Tomorrowland premises (19-21.07.2024) in Belgium (Boom, Provinciaal Recreatiedomein De Schorre)
    • On-site Cabin accommodation for two (290 x 225 cm) at Tomorrowland Dreamville (includes 2 beds, interior lighting, separate sanitary facilities, access to pool area)
    • Breakfast included
    • Shuttle from & to Tomorrowland Dreamville – Brussels Airport
    • Food and drink cash-card for two to be redeemed at the festival

Flight & logistics are not included.

  1. Under no circumstances may the prizes be changed into cash or other benefits in kind. Prizes cannot be resold, transferred or exchanged by the winners.
  2. BAT is not responsible for the coordination nor payment of any COVID related tests/vaccinations/documents required to attend any of the listed festivals.

Article 9 - Reception of prizes

  1. BAT will inform the Winners by email on how the prizes will be delivered to them.
  2. BAT shall not be liable for the disappearance or loss of the mailed prizes.
  3. If the prizes do not reach their destination (consumer did not accept marketing mailings from us, wrong address, move of the recipient, lack of reaction from the winner following the announcement of his prize...) or if the participant does not respond to a request for additional information, the participant concerned loses the right to his prize.

Article 10 – Force Majeur event

BAT shall not be held responsible if, due to a case of force majeure or beyond its control, the present contest has to be modified, shortened or cancelled.

Article 11 – Responsibilities

  1. BAT is not responsible for the disappearance of prizes sent if they are transmitted by any means other than on-site on the day of the event.
  2. BAT reserves the right to modify, postpone, shorten or cancel the contest in whole or in part, at its sole discretion. If such modification, postponement, abridgement or cancellation occurs, the participants or other persons shall have no claim to any compensation.
  3. Participation in the contest implies knowledge and acceptance of the specifications and limitations of the Internet, in this case with regard to technical services, the risk of interruption and, more generally, the risks inherent in any connection and transfer via the Internet, the lack of security of certain data against possible misuse and the risk of infection by possible viruses on the network.
  4. BAT shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption of the Internet connection, any malfunction whatsoever, the exclusion of participants or the modification/cancellation of the contest for any reason whatsoever. Each participant in the contest is required to take all necessary measures to protect his personal data and secure the programs installed on his computer against any form of damage. The connection to the action's website and participation in the contest are the full responsibility of the participants.
  5. BAT shall not be held liable in the event of any modification, abridgement or cancellation of this contest.
  6. BAT shall not be held responsible for any accident or incident that could occur during the enjoyment of the Prize awarded and/or due to their improper use by the winners.

Article 12 - Protection of privacy and image rights

  1. Any person participating in this contest agrees that his or her personal data may be stored by BAT for as long as necessary for the management of the contest. If the participant has given his consent, his data may be used, within the limits of this consent, for marketing purposes as well as for sending (in particular by e-mail or mail) information relating to his products and actions, commercial information, newsletters, contests and promotional offers relating to BAT products. The participant can find more information on the processing of their personal data and their rights in this regard in the personal data protection declaration available on the website www.velo.com/ch.
  2. Any person participating in the contest may access their personal data and also has the right to have them corrected, deleted or to object to their use. To do so, the participant can contact: info.ch@velo.com. However, BAT will have to cancel the participation of persons who object to the use of data necessary for the contest or request its deletion.

Article 13 – Applicable law and interpretation

These terms and conditions are exclusively construed and governed by Swiss law. The courts of Lausanne shall have jurisdiction over any dispute arising from these terms and conditions.

Article 14 - Approval of the rules

Participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules and all decisions that may be taken by BAT to ensure the smooth running of the activities.

By participating, the winner also acknowledges that, the general terms and conditions www.velo.com/ch/en/terms apply, except for what is set forth in the present specific terms and conditions.