VELO nicotine pouches are a modern way of consuming nicotine . Whether you’re already a nicotine pouches user or just starting out on your VELO experience, you may have some questions about the use of nicotine pouches.
How long to use them? Is it advisable reusing nicotine pouches? We’ll answer all these questions in this blog article. Read more here!
How to use VELO nicotine pouches?
To better understand whether reusing nicotine pouches is possible, first you should know how to use VELO nicotine pouches.
To use a nicotine pouch, simply put it in your mouth. More precisely, nicotine pouches are placed under the lower or upper lip, between the gum and the lip.
Just pop the can, tuck the pouch under your lip, and feel the burn.1 You will soon get used to the tingling sensation you feel. That’s the VELO effect! The tingling is a sign that the nicotine contained in the pouch is beginning to release on contact with your mucous membrane. After about half an hour, the nicotine contained in the pouch will finish being released. You can simply dispose of VELO nicotine pouches. Either throw the used pouch in the bin or, if there is no bin nearby, in the designated section of the VELO can.
Are VELO nicotine pouches reusable?
One of the questions frequently asked about nicotine pouches is; can you reuse VELO nicotine pouches? The answer is no. You should only use VELO nicotine pouches once. After use, nicotine pouches belong in the rubbish bin or in the container provided in the VELO can. We strongly recommend not to reuse nicotine pouches that have already been used! Here are a few explanations why.
Why can't VELO nicotine pouches be reused?
There are several reasons why reusing a VELO nicotine pouch is not advised. The structure of nicotine pouches is designed to release nicotine gradually. So how long do VELO nicotine pouches last? We recommend you keep a pouch in your mouth, between the gum and the upper lip for up to 30 minutes. Reusing nicotine pouches is not useful because most of the nicotine and flavourings will already have been used. So, can VELO nicotine pouches be reused? No, we strictly advise against reusing nicotine pouches.
Nicotine pouches are disposable products. They are made from specific materials that allow a controlled release of nicotine. If you try using a used VELO nicotine pouch, it's possible that the materials will deteriorate, which can alter the release of nicotine and therefore its quality.
Finally, hygiene is another important reason why you should not reuse nicotine pouches under any circumstances. Nicotine pouches come into direct contact with the mouth and saliva, which can lead to an accumulation of bacteria and germs.
It is, therefore, strongly recommended that you always use a new VELO nicotine pouch when you want to enjoy all the VELO benefits and make sure to store nicotine pouches correctly. It is important to not intentionally swallow a VELO nicotine pouch! VELO pouches are not intended to be swallowed in whole or in part. If you accidentally swallow one or more VELO pouches, please seek medical assistance by consulting a medical professional or a poison information centre.
1 By burn we mean a heat and tingle sensation in the mouth when product is used.