Dieses Produkt schädigt Ihre Gesundheit und macht stark abhängig.Ce produit nuit à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance.Questo prodotto nuoce alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.


Please confirm you're over 18 before entering this site*

*18+ only. This product contains nicotine and is addictive.

For adult nicotine or tobacco consumers only.

FAQ on VELO nicotine pouches and their use | VELO Switzerland




Velo FAQ

What is VELO?

VELO is an innovative white, tobacco-free* oral nicotine pouch, offering adult tobacco and nicotine consumers a convenient alternative to consume nicotine hands-free. Adult consumers simply place the pouch under their lip in order for the nicotine to be released.  
*This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance. 

How do you use it?

VELO can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Adult consumers simply place the pouch under their lips in order for the nicotine to be released.

What does it contain?

VELO contains no tobacco. VELO pouches contain high quality ingredients, including water, plant-based materials, flavourings, sweeteners and pharmaceutical grade nicotine. It comes in a variety of flavors and nicotine levels for adult tobacco and nicotine consumers who are looking for an alternative convenient way to consume nicotine.  

Where is VELO made?

Please refer to the label on your VELO can for specific manufacturing details. 

Is this snus?

o – VELO is a different product from snus as it contains no tobacco. Snus belongs to a category of traditional oral tobacco products commonly used by adult tobacco and nicotine consumers. VELO represents the next generation of oral nicotine products. Unlike snus, it contains no tobacco and can be enjoyed by adult tobacco and nicotine consumers. 

How many pouches are in a pack and how long does it last?

There are 16 pouches in MINI cans and 24 pouches in SLIM cans. We recommend you keep a pouch in your mouth, between the gum and the upper lip for up to 30 minutes. 

What is the pouch made of? (the cover of the pouch)

The pouch covering material or fleece is made of viscose. Please refer to the ingredient list on each can for more information. 

What does a nicotine pouch do? Nicotine pouches vs. smoking?

VELO offers adult tobacco and nicotine consumers an alternative way to consume nicotine without smoke*, smoke smell, and hassle. 

*This product is not risk free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance. 

Can I consume liquids while having the pouch under my lip?

We do not recommend consuming liquids while using a Velo nicotine pouch, as this comes with a risk of swallowing the pouch. 

Can I eat while having the pouch under my lip?

We do not recommend consuming food (eating) while using a Velo nicotine pouch, as this comes with a risk of swallowing the pouch.

Can I chew it?

No. VELO is not intended to and should not be chewed. VELO is solely designed to be enjoyed by placing the pouch under your upper lip and resting it on your gum.

What variants and nicotine levels is VELO available in?

VELO is available in a range of nicotine levels and variants. Current nicotine levels of the VELO core range available start at 4mg and go up to 17mg. You may find a wide variety of flavors for every taste. Our flavors and strength portfolio are available on our website. To learn more about what VELO variants are sold near you, reach out to our Customer Care team in Switzerland] at info.ch@velo.com

What happens if I accidentally swallow the pouch?

Please DO NOT swallow the pouch. VELO pouches are not intended to be swallowed in whole or in part. If you accidentally swallow one or more VELO pouches, please seek medical assistance by consulting a medical professional or a poison information center 

Is VELO different to vaping?

VELO Nicotine pouches offer a different product experience compared to vaping. VELO is enjoyed by placing a pouch under the lip in order for nicotine to be released.

Where is it sold?

VELO products can be purchased at www.velo.com/ch as well as in retail stores all over the country.  

Do nicotine pouches stay fresh once opened? For how long?

We recommend consuming VELO cans within one year after the production date 

Can you reuse nicotine pouches?

VELO nicotine pouches are meant to be used once then disposed in a bin or placed in the dedicated section of the VELO can. We strongly recommend not reusing a pouch that has already been used 

How to dispose of VELO?

We encourage VELO consumers to dispose of the used pouches in the waste compartment found in the can that the product comes in. Once all the pouches are used, please dispose of the can responsibly.